Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Long time, no post!  It has been a whirlwind of a year.  As I write this, we are having a spring snowstorm.  There's nearly a foot of snow outside the window! Such is springtime in the Rockies...!  :)

We are looking forward to getting out there on the trail soon and seeing friends and new faces, too!  Here is a look at our Timberline Adventures schedule for this season (as of 4/6/13).

May: Grand Canyon/Zion hike

June: Northern NM bike tour, Columbia River Gorge hike

July: Volcanoes North & South bike tours

August: Beartooth hike, Glacier Park hike

September: Yosemite hike, Rogue River Wilderness hike (NS), Bryce/Zion (SM)

October: Grand Canyon

November: Chiricahua/Sonoran Desert hike (a really neat hiking tour near Tucson)

Hope to see you out there!