Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Getting Started: Nearer to Home

 Even if you can't get to a National Park or hiking "destination", you can still walk or hike near home. Maybe you have a bike path you can explore. Or just walk around your neighborhood, provided it is safe enough. 

Just put on a pair of walking shoes (do you have running or gym shoes?) and get outside... it's amazing how much nature you can find near home. And those miles add up! If you don't have anywhere to walk outside, try a mall (although you may be tempted to shop!).

I'm lucky enough to live in a small town with hiking trails less than a mile from my home. But when I am in the suburbs of Denver in-between tour destinations, I often take walks with my friends. As we catch up with goings-on, we walk several miles through the neighborhoods. There is a golf course where geese land on the fairways. We almost always see cottontail rabbits scurrying to and fro just past the sidewalk. In the spring and fall when the leaves on the trees are coming and going, I often notice birds' nests wedged in branches. Take some time to just... notice... nature.          

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