Thursday, December 15, 2011

Settling into Winter

Late fall on Mt. Yale, Colorado

Oh, so many activities and so little time!

You hear the crunch, crunch, crunching of snow under your feet.  Sparkling crystals of hoar frost on tree branches may catch your eye.  Animal tracks are imprinted into the snow.  The beauty of nature changes with the seasons and winter is often a more peaceful time to get outside.  

Snowshoeing is a great way to keep hiking during winter months.  A basic pair of snowshoes, warm boots and socks, gaiters, poles, and several layers of clothing are all you need for a great day out in addition to your winter hiking pack.  I like bringing along a thermos full of hot tea or apple cider to enjoy during breaks along the trail.     

Many people like cross-country skiing as a crossover sport to hiking and bicycling.  If you have trails close and gear handy, this is a fun way to keep fit.  Groomed trails, golf courses, and parks are often available as nearby places to explore with cross-country skis.

One simple activity that I really enjoy during the winter is trail running! We are lucky enough to have some beautiful trails just blocks from where we live. Low snow volume in winter (we live in the "banana belt" rainshadow of the Continental Divide) keeps the local trails navigable. There are a few hearty souls out there that run in any weather, keeping the trails closer to town quite packed down.  However, I found myself out breaking trail in 6-12" of new snow last week... and loving every minute of it!  It was quite the workout but the temperature was comfortable and the scenery was amazing!

While it is nice to have the latest and greatest new gear, used snowshoes and cross-country equipment may often be found in sports consignment shops.  Many specialty outdoors stores rent equipment if you'd like to "try before you buy".  If you don't have anyone experienced to go with, there are often local guides or groups to check into (contact your local outdoors store).  One website that might be of help is here

What are some of the ways you enjoy winter outside? 

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