Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spring Training...

Spring is in the air (at least when it's not snowing here in Colorado!).  "Daylight Savings" returns this weekend which means maybe we'll have the chance to get outside after work.  Unless you already train in the dark.  If so, right on!  But for the rest of us, the extra hour or two of daylight can be a big motivator.  So what's it gonna be: "Big Bang Theory" reruns or a half hour walk?   

Aside from winter gym cardio & strength training, what do you do to prepare for hiking season?  What motivates you?

Here are a few thoughts:
  • Walk more on a daily basis.
  • Start running/jogging for fitness.
  • Sign up for an event, such as a 5K or 10K walk or run.
  • Hike some local trails as they become snow free.
  • Squeeze as many late season skiing or snowshoeing days in as possible.
  • Sign up for a spring hiking tour and tough it out. (!)
I'm finding myself being drawn to the event world this spring.  I've signed up for an event that will challenge me and (hopefully!) step up my training for the next six or so weeks.

As for my training, I intend to be back from my workout in time to watch "Survivor".  :-)     

Brief February Trip Notes: 

We got back from hiking in Hawaii just over a week ago.  Met some wonderful people, enjoyed hiking with some we already knew.  Everyone seemed to have a good time! 

Most of our mileage was not really huge because many of the trail surfaces can be quite challenging and time consuming.  Thus, something that may appear to be "only" five miles can feel like twice that!  Slow & steady hiking, good for balance.  It gets dark relatively early as well.  Snorkeling is to me a sort of "underwater hiking".  We had one snorkel day per trip.  I'm not much of a swimmer but enjoy all the colorful fish and coral.  Snorkel Bob's and Pacific Whale Foundation actually have prescription masks you can rent that enable those of us who wear prescription lenses to see underwater!  So cool!!     

Pictures from hike to follow soon... please bear with me -- I put my camera's patch cord somewhere "safe"!  :-(

Here's a link to Diana's trip report from Island Classic. 


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